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Logo for Auditor General Mantoba

Strategic priorities

Strategic priorities focus efforts and provide a framework for developing annual workplans. Our 3-year Strategic Plan (2022-25) identifies 3 strategic priorities and key strategies to support each of these priorities.

Choosing the work

Strategic priority 1: Select and complete audits and other work that deliver value to the Legislative Assembly and Manitobans.


  1. Strengthen work selection process for each service area.

  2. Ensure priority focus areas are reflected in our workplans.

  3. Increase outreach and engagement.

Impact of the work

Strategic priority 2: Maximize impact of advice, findings, recommendations, and reports to promote excellence in public administration.


  1. Promote and support an effective Public Accounts Committee.

  2. Strengthen relationships with auditees and government entities.

  3. Develop new and innovative work products (reports).

  4. Increase awareness of our work and promote the use of our findings and recommendations to a broader audience.

People and Work Environment 

Strategic Priority 3: Sustain a high performing, diverse and engaged team.


  1. Attract and retain employees with diverse skills and competencies.

  2. Strengthen commitment to equity and reconciliation.

  3. Increase communication and engagement.

  4. Promote a System of Quality Management.


Primary focus areas for our workplans are:

  • Broader GRE and recipients of public money

  • Health sector

  • Public service

  • Impacts on rural and northern Manitoba

  • Accessibility of information

  • Collaborative work with other jurisdictions

  • Requests or perspectives of MLAs and Public Accounts Committee

  • Citizen Concerns

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