Auditor General releases 3 limited scope examinations stemming from citizen concerns
WINNIPEG – Manitoba Auditor General Tyson Shtykalo today released a volume of 3 limited scope examinations which stem from stakeholder concerns received through his office’s citizen concerns line.
Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program
The Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program examination looked at the administration of the Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program. The program is intended to provide financial relief to landowners who have experienced artificial flood-related damages caused by the operation of the Shellmouth Dam on the Assiniboine River.
The examination determined that compensation was not provided to landowners in a timely fashion. “Some waited over 3,000 days from the time of flooding to receive compensation,” Shtykalo said. “This is not acceptable.”
The report also notes officials did not always inspect flood damage, claims files were missing information, and there was a lack of communication with those affected by the flooding. The report includes 5 recommendations to improve the compensation processes.
City of Winnipeg: Sale of Vimy Arena
The Sale of Vimy Arena examination found the City of Winnipeg did not comply with internal policies on how surplus properties are to be sold. The report notes interested parties did not have an equal opportunity to submit proposals to purchase Vimy Arena. The examination found one party was provided access to the site, as well as information about the property and sales process, that was not available to others.
“The City should have followed a transparent process for the sale of this land, once city council identified the area for eventual disposal,” Shtykalo said. “If all interested parties had been treated the same and provided with an opportunity to submit formal proposals, Council could have reviewed each submission and decided which was best for the citizens of Winnipeg.”
The Auditor General did not examine the merits of other options for the site, or the business plans and operations of the organization that ultimately purchased the property. The report includes 2 recommendations to strengthen the City’s processes for selling property.
Municipal Development Corporations
The report Municipal Development Corporations is a result of concerns received regarding the lack of oversight of municipal economic development corporations, and the lack of information available on these organizations.
The examination determined municipalities were not receiving sufficient financial information from their development corporations. “Without this information, it is difficult for municipal councils to manage these development corporations,” Shtykalo said. The report also noted information about the revenues and expenditures of development corporations was largely not available to the public.
The report includes 5 recommendations to improve the management of development corporations, and to ensure the public has reasonable, barrier-free access to key information about these corporations.
Shtykalo encouraged Manitobans to continue to bring concerns to his attention through the office’s citizen concerns line: 204.945.3351 or
To view the examinations, please visit
About the Auditor General of Manitoba
The Auditor General is an officer of the Legislative Assembly mandated to provide independent assurance and advice to Members of the Legislative Assembly. Through its audits, the Office of the Auditor General seeks to identify opportunities to strengthen government operations and enhance performance management and reporting. For more information visit
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Frank Landry, Communications Manager