Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the Auditor General?
Tyson Shtykalo, FCPA, FCA has been Manitoba’s Auditor General since August 2020.
Who gets audited?
The Auditor General Act gives the Auditor General the authority to audit any provincial government organization or recipient of provincial funding.
Who audits the Auditor General?
Every year an auditor is appointed and approved by the Legislative Assembly Management Commission to review the accounts of the Office of the Auditor General. The results of this audit are produced each year in our annual operations reports (The Auditor General Act 26(2)).
How does the Office of the Auditor General ensure quality assurance?
Our office is required by the Canadian Standard on Quality Management CSQM 1 to maintain a system of quality management (SOQM) which enables the consistent performance of quality engagements through planning, performing, and reporting on engagements in accordance with professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Our office monitors its SOQM throughout the year, which incudes internal quality inspections of completed engagement files.
What types of audits are conducted by the Auditor General?
The Auditor General conducts: financial statement audits, performance audits, IT audits, and investigations (including special audits). See Services for more information.
How do audit topics get chosen?
Audit topics are chosen at the Auditor General’s discretion. There are multiple factors that influence the selection of audit topics including financial magnitude, impact of the subject matter on Manitobans, and public interest.
How do audit recommendations get implemented?
The Office of the Auditor General ensures accountability by working with the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). The Office uses a follow-up process to assist PAC and increase the probability of recommendations being implemented by government and government organizations.
What is the value of the Office of the Auditor General being independent?
Independence is required for the Auditor General to successfully fulfill their mandate. Beyond preventing external influences from impacting our audits and recommendations, independence allows for fair reporting and conclusions to be drawn and ensures the government is being held accountable. See About Us for more information.
Who holds the Office of the Auditor General accountable?
The Office of the Auditor General is accountable to the Legislative Assembly through the Public Account Committee of the Legislative Assembly. To assist with this, the Office reports on its activities and use of public money in our annual operations reports.
How can I, as a citizen, share a concern with the Office of the Auditor General?
We encourage Manitobans to reach out to us with information about audits underway, to suggest a new audit topic, or to raise concerns about financial waste or mismanagement. The information provided to us by citizens helps to guide our work. We encourage you to contact us:
Email: citizen.concens@oag.mb.ca
Phone: 204-945-3351
Please note that information received must be within the Auditor General’s mandate and must relate to the operations of a provincial government organization, or the use of public money by a recipient of those -funds.