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Investigations Report 2021

This volume contains the results of 3 limited scope examinations which stem from stakeholder concerns that came through our citizen concerns line. These are: Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program, City of Winnipeg: Sale of Vimy Arena, and Municipal Development Corporations.


The 3 limited scope examinations in this report are:

  • Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program

  • City of Winnipeg: Sale of Vimy Arena

  • Municipal Development Corporations

The Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program examination determined some claimants waited over 3,000 days for compensation. The report also notes officials did not always inspect flood damage, claims files were missing information, and there was a lack of communication with those affected by the flooding.

The Sale of Vimy Arena examination found the City of Winnipeg did not comply with internal policies on how surplus properties are to be sold. The report notes interested parties did not have an equal opportunity to submit proposals to purchase Vimy Arena. The examination found one party was provided access to the site, as well as information about the property and sales process, that was not available to others.

The Municipal Development Corporations examination determined municipal councils were not receiving sufficient financial information from their development corporations. The report also notes information about the revenues and expenditures of development corporations was largely not available to the public.

Manitobans who suspect misuse of public assets are encouraged to contact our Citizen Concerns line at or by calling 204.945.3351. All information provided is treated confidentially.

Published: August 2021

Sector: Government Operations


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Investigations Report 2021
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