This report includes summaries of the financial statement audits conducted by the Office during the year.

We provide brief summaries of each financial statement audit we do directly and those where we use an agent to conduct the work on our behalf. In each summary, we identify the areas of audit significance and note whether we issued a “qualified” or “unqualified” audit opinion.
We also report on other matters for the Legislative Assembly’s attention arising from our financial statement audits.
This report includes sections related to:
The financial statement audits we conducted in 2018/2019 (including organizations within the Government Reporting Entity, organizations outside the Government Reporting Entity, and audit conducted by our Agents)
Qualified audit opinion for the 2019 Public Accounts
Impact of our qualified opinion on other financial information presented by Government
The Fiscal Stabilization Account in the Public Accounts
The use of trusts and other ways to segregate funds in the Public Accounts
Regional Health Authorities – Accounting policies change
Published: December 2019
Sector: Government Operations